Yesterday was Epiphany, but it’s never too late for an epiphany while you have breath–the gift of life and your spirit from our Creator God.
I like history so I spent some time this morning researching “Why January 6th?” What the western chruch celebrates on January 6th each year is the wise men from the East who were the first Gentiles to have an epiphany, realization, revelation that Jesus was the Christ, the Messiah, the Annointed One–the King of the Jews, and the Lord of Heaven and Earth (Matthew 2:1-12).
It was interesting research leading me to chruch councils in the first millennium, the differences between solar and lunar calendars the ancients contrived to track our days on the planet, and more. It’s interesting but still a mystery to me, and perhaps it’s meant to stay that way. The fact that it happened, was recorded in the Bible, and has been celebrated for two millennia is significant and fun to ponder.
I do think the mystery of the December 25th date we celebrate Christmas may have been solved by a lawyer with presently available astronomy software, and I gave you a link to that information in my last blog. It doesn’t take away any of the mystery, but only adds to the awesomeness of our Creator, Redeemer God—His power and His plan.
So I finished my history research amazed at the infautation of God’s family with knowing Him, and all the bread crumbs, along with the interaction with His Holy Spirit, that blows among us like the wind in our quest to know God, ourselves, and our destiney. I watched the three YouTube videos below in the order I share them as I worshiped the Holy One.
Listen, quietly, in stillness, and see if you have an epiphany.
Godspeed and Bon voyage in your journey to know God, yourself, and your destiney better in 2025.

Megan Woods – The Truth (Official Lyric Video)
Casting Crowns – Praise You In This Storm (Live from YouTube Space New York)
“for He says, “At the acceptable time I listened to you,
And on the day of salvation I helped you.”
Behold, now is “the acceptable time,” behold, now is “the day of salvation”—”
(2 Corinthians 6:2)