Monthly Archives: July 2018

Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast

Scene from movie “The Blindside”

Over three hundred people showed up at 6:15 a.m. yesterday for the 47th Annual Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast in downtown Fort Smith to honor Christ and those in authority in our region.

An energetic young man, SJ Tuohy, the real younger brother behind the character in the movie “The Blindside,” was our speaker. He had a lot of really good things to say, but his speed in talking made me doubt he was really from the South.:)

Michael Oher with adopted Tuohy Parents

Here are some insightful things he said relating to life, living, and faith — which may not be exactly correct due to his speed in speaking or my slowness in hearing. 🙂

“Be where your feet are.” “Be in the game! You can’t make a difference if you’re not in the game.””It hurts when you get pinched — you’re injured with a broken arm. You can play hurt — you can’t play injured. And the great part about being a Christian is that we are ALL hurt , but NONE of us are injured. You are never beyond grace and mercy. You just gotta make the choice to get in the game.”

New Friends Greet & Visit with “SJ” Sean Tuohy

He talked about how people today have so divided themselves from others over race, gender, politics, etc., then said, “If how you define yourself, divides you from others, then your definition of yourself is too small.”

“Value people. Value others. There are Michael Ohers in this room — in and around your lives. You typically avoid them. Jesus didn’t! He spent time with them.”

He never got around to the topics of “kindness and hard work” as mentioned in his bio; but come to think about it — he did! 🙂

Thanks for coming SJ Tuohy! And for sharing your heart and life with us. May the Lord bless you and yours continually. Godspeed on your journey at the U of A, and through life.

“The Lord bless you and keep you;The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you;The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” (Numbers 6:24–26, NKJV)

T U O H Y Tomorrow

Fort Smith’s 47th annual Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast is tomorrow! Hope you’ve made plans to attend, or will do so now, on the spur of the moment. And bring a friend who needs to hear about Jesus. We all do!! Tickets for breakfast and the program are $20 and can be purchased at the door. 🙂

Our speaker, SJ Tuohy, from the real family in the hit movie, “The Blindside” emailed me today after seeing the article in the Times Record, and noticed they spelled his name incorrectly; something we too had noticed. But, hey, we are glad for the news coverage and thankful for the reporting, done as it was at the last minute! We’ve also had a couple of radio interviews about the event, and some bill boards around town. So we’ve been shown favor and are grateful to all. Tomorrow we hear from this interesting and intriguing speaker and person. See you there!