“Time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters.” — Margaret Peters
Last night’s UNITE in Bud Walton Arena at the University of Arknasas campus in Fayetteville was awesome! Ten thousand college students gathered and heard a blistering word about sexual purity and the Gospel of Grace — the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There was a call to holy (set apart) living, and Jesus was worshiped until after 10:30 PM. The meeting was about to be over, so my wife and I left to walk a friend who had driven in from another city an hour away to her car. We learned later the meeting went on in some fashion until 2:00 AM in the morning, moving across the street to the south in an outdoor setting were many students were baptized.
We were there from 5:15 PM with some people from our community of faith who had set up a tent for food and fellowship before the event. Some of us had been asked to go into the venue a few minutes early to walk and pray. I heard the Spirit really moved in similar events at Alburn, the University of Alabama, the University of Georgia, and Ohio State, but I didn’t know what to expect. The straight talk about sexual issues, sexual purity, and sexual healing was shocking to me. But judging by the response of thousands of students–it was very needed and refreshing, accompained by the Gospel of Grace for forgiveness, and the promise of the Holy Spirit for healing and transforming lives to live on a higher plain.
In the previous month, I heard in the spirit similar messages and blogged about sexual freedom and the self control available as a fruit of the Spirit. But to hear this forceful message to ten thousand college kids and see their reaction in embracing it with their lives was mind blowing.
The musical group Elevation Rhythm led the crowd in vibrant worship, which at times was loud, powerful, blasting with the college kids dancing and singing after rushing the stage area, then quite and still–so melodic and calm you thought you might touch heaven or be touched by the same, with a hush over the crowd.
Speaking of the crowd, one of my college friends just called me. He and his wife were there doing the same thing we were. He told his wife earlier in the day, “They have only issued four thousand advance tickets for the event, and are secretly hoping and praying for ten thousand attendees–that’s just too big a gap and not going to happen.” Durning our phone call he said, “I’m going to have to stop under estimating God.”
One phrase repeated in one of the songs was: “There is no waste at the altar.” I don’t recall that phrase in the Scriptures and found myself wondering what it could mean. Maybe it speaks to all the sins, sexual and addictions, being brought to the altar last night? That’s certainly no waste, as they are accepted and burned up–forgotten by the One Who matters as an act of mercy and grace. You can come as you are with your idols to the altar, and leave as a son or daughter for the courts of the King, ruined by His love, ravished by His magnanimous generosity and good will.
What you lay at the altar you get back if it was a promise from God, only with the unhealthy attachment burned away–a bit like Abraham offering up his son Isaac, and getting him back, both of them now having the realization that “God will provide the Lamb.”
So there we were, a few grey eagles, who had attended the same university fifty years ago, watching lots of young eagles experience God in similar ways we did, under H.D. McCarty, with the promise of change and soaring through life and into old age with adventures galore and relationships to make, mend, and restore.
“Time has a wonderfful way of showing us what really matters.”[ Click here for a few more photos of the event!]