Monthly Archives: June 2014

One Year Old Birthday

Harrison AR Book Signing

Harrison AR Book Signing

The book, “A Friend of the King: David and his Mighty Men”, is one year old this month. So it seems appropriate to give those of you who’ve supported and followed the book a progress report.

I just pulled the numbers from the Westbow Press publisher’s website which shows 600 books have been distributed this past year. The largest share of those were paper backs, but E-books and hard back copies were well represented too.

An exciting development this month was an unexpected live radio interview from AFR, American Family Radio. They conducted a twelve minute live interview with me June 5th and I received a copy by mail a few days ago. You can listen to it here, slightly edited for brevity, or visit the AFR archives for the complete interview.

Good Friend Larry and My Dad

Good Friend Larry and My Dad

AFR has a listening audience of about 350,000, so I’m very much encouraged the book received  a real boost in visibility from their notice and promotion.

I’ve become very impressed with AFR and the strong voice they continue to be to our country, speaking up for family values and Biblical truth. They do so in a spirit of fairness, kindness and love, with courage. You can listen to AFR while you work on your computer, or you can click here for a list of AFR radio stations in your area.

The LORD Leads... Ps 23

The LORD Leads… Ps 23

Venues for making the book better known in the coming year include book signings and speaking to men’s groups when invited, like “The Barn” men’s group in Natural Dam, AR, where I spoke a couple weeks ago to about twenty men.

Many thanks to you who support the book by word of mouth, or sharing the website, or sharing the Facebook page. May the Lord continue to make “A Friend of the King” known and use it as He sees fit.


Dad Attends A Book Signing In Harrison AR


Who is the Greatest?

Generations...Sowing into Eternity

Generations…Sowing into Eternity

At that time the disciples came to Jesus and said, “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”And He called a child to Himself and set him before them,and said, “Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:1–3)

I donated three and a half days last week, along with 25 adults and some of their children from 4 different churches to host a week-long summer camp for 25 foster kids. It was a rewarding and beautiful event on several accounts.

First the kids! Matthew 25:40 says, “If you’ve done it to the least of these, you’ve done it unto me.” The kids are the main thing, and will always be the main thing, about this camp, which just completed it’s 10th year under the vision and leadership of friends Curtis & Paula Michlitsch and their ministry “Matthew Eighteen.”

Canoeing is a Big Hit

Canoeing is a Big Hit

Second, it’s a clear directive from the King to His disciples to declare His faithfulness to the next generation.   “… He commanded our fathers that they should teach them to their children, that the generation to come might know, even the children yet to be born, that they may arise and tell them to their children, that they should put their confidence in God…” (Psalm 78:5–7)  “And even when I am old and gray, O God, do not forsake me until I declare Your strength to this generation, Your power to all who are to come.” (Psalm 71:18)

Beautiful And Delicious

Beautiful And Delicious

Third, it’s wonderful when different churches and denominations work together in kingdom events and activities. We are each a part of the body of Christ. I met a guy named Brad who I didn’t know. He was ordinary but powerful with the kids, and delivered one of the best teachings before lunch one day that I’ve ever heard in any camp, anywhere; the kids hanging on his every word. Come to find out, we’re going on the same mission trip to Nicaragua in July!? I look forward to getting to know him even better.

Fourth, volunteerism. The camp shows how a non-professional staff of average adults can come together because they are willing and make a huge difference in the lives of these little ones, who get many hugs, smiles, pats on the head, and much affirmation for a whole week of

Hours of Swinging

Hours of Swinging

romping about outdoors in a safe, healthy environment, punctuated with worship services designed for them, teaching times, serving one another, and some excellent food! Thanks, chef Michael Brown and the kitchen staff, for your care and excellence in serving these little ones, who are children of the King.

You know I started out this article thinking, “If you’ve done it to the least of these, you’ve done it unto Me.” You will recognize those as Jesus words when telling the telling story about the sheep and the goats. The emphasis of that story is on us, and our service to others, and to the King. And, do we really know Him? Or does He know us?

While that’s not wrong, the message of Matthew Eighteen is a little different but the same.


Dads and Big Brothers Needed and Appreciated

Dads and Big Brothers Needed and Appreciated

“And whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me.” (Matthew 18:5)  As we study these little ones and become like them, they will lead us to be spiritually like God wants us to be and to approach Him. “He called a child to Himself and set him before them, and said, “Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:1–3)

A picture is worth a thousand words!! Enjoy!!!

Blessings in His Name

“The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.” (Matthew 25:40)

Camp Director!

Camp Director!

See you next year! Father's Day!

See you next year! Father’s Day!

Delightful Young Ladies

Delightful Young Ladies

Spiritual Bread & Rapid Change

Five Loaves

D.T. Niles said, “Christianity is one beggar telling another beggar where he found bread.” I love that definition of the Faith. It’s also true many times for me as I find my necessary spiritual food for the day, week, or hour from some other source.

It happened this morning as I read the pastoral newsletter from Charles Simpson. So I’m passing some of that bread along to you, and letting you know where you can check out the whole loaf if you wish.

I find this season of change disorienting, and I know many of you do too. Even if you see it from a Biblical and historical perspective, giving it framework and meaning in the great story of God and man; this pace of change makes one dizzy. May this help you keep your senses in check, to keep your balance, to keep you from falling or becoming unconscious to what’s important and real.

Discipling Generations

Discipling Generations

In this short season I’ve heard the words [1] persecution [2] discipleship [3] generations [4] story [5] risk [6] joy and [7] Jesus. They’ve come quickly and intensely from several sources within the last two weeks; books I’ve read, sermons, things friends have said, daily Bible reading, bill boards — like sign posts, everywhere, “signs of the times.” 🙂 I’m not sure what the world’s concerned about at the moment, and don’t really care that much. But when I sense the Spirit is speaking to me or my community, I want to get still, and listen.

This newsletter and this morning was one of those stilling times for me. On a cool, rainy June morning, I arose early, built a fire outside and read. Here are some of my journal entries or quotes. I pray they encourage you, strengthen you , and enlighten you, as they did me.

Sometimes change does not happen in small increments; sometimes it is unexpected and cataclysmic. How can we be ready for the seemingly radical and unplanned events that are beyond our control? …What about the more catastrophic events that are unforeseen such as the loss of life or financial collapse? Can we be prepared for what we did not expect? I believe so. 

A renewed mind looks for the purpose of God in any situation and that makes us different-no longer conformed to selfish thinking or the cultural thinking. 

Generations are Important

Generations are Important . A Daughter and Her Papaw

In the past, we acted by rules and habits; now we are learning to respond to change as Jesus did, as the apostles did. Jesus prophesied, but He also prepared His disciples. He did not “promise them a rose garden.” … His focus in preparing was primarily in three areas: [1] Be filled with the Holy Spirit, [2] understand the Kingdom of God, [3] and make disciples of all nations. He warned them that there would be trouble. 

In Luke 24:49, He commanded them to go to Jerusalem and receive the “promise of the Father”. They would need the Holy Spirit (see Acts 1:5; 8). This was not a “do it yourself project.” 

Then Acts 1:3 tells us that He spent 40 days teaching them about the kingdom of God, and that was after three-and-a-half years of teaching about the Kingdom. God’s government is always vital, but in times of change it is absolutely necessary. 

Camp Hope

Camp Hope

Finally, He commanded them to make disciples of all nations (see Matthew 24:14; 28:18-20). Jesus expected them to give what they had received. Failing to do so would cause them to lose what they thought they knew (see Mark 4:21-25).

These three issues prepared the disciples for the future, and they changed the future! The transformed became transformers. We are called to be different and to make a difference. 

SONY DSCAgain, if these quotes from Charles Simpson strike a cord with you, I hope you’ll examine the whole loaf! Bro. Charles who is in his seventies is still actively preaching the kingdom in the power of the Spirit. He is also a man of prayer and relationship who can many times tell you what’s on God’s heart. I attended his leadership conference this year and was encouraged very much by it’s focus and spirit — discipling the next generation.

This comes on the heels of reading the most enlightening, motivational book I’ve read in  a while, “The Insanity of God,” hearing a good, but rare sermon on persecution from John 16 last week, and attending a men’s group where we are reading and discussing “The Cost of Discipleship.” God is speaking! Are you listening or asleep? Do what it takes to hear!Lonoke5.07 (31)

AFR Radio Interview

My Good Friend Luke Now In Seminary

My Good Friend Luke Now In Seminary

A month ago I was contacted by American Family Radio and asked to do a live interview about my book, “A Friend of the King,” on Thursday, June 5th, from 10:15 to 10:30 CDT. I’m very excited about this opportunity that seemingly came out of nowhere to talk about the book and make it better known. May the Lord that inspired it be lifted up. Thanks for praying for me, the book, and listen in if you can.

For AFR local stations click here.

The interview will be hosted by Tim Wildmon & Ray Pritchard of AFR. Should be interesting, and hopefully fun for all involved.

2014 Canoe Trip with Three of the Next Generation

2014 Canoe Trip with Three of the Next Generation

Those of you who know me know that I am largely detached from the media, preferring reading, meditative and spiritual pursuits. After being a media and news addict for the first three decades of my life, my wife and I didn’t have a TV for eighteen years, our two children being raised without one. We have several funny family stories about these times.

That said, I’ve been listening to AFR while blogging today in preparation for this interview. I’ve been impressed by the speakers, the music, and the truth being shared in a positive manner. Also many of the ministries associated with this organization I’ve appreciated and supported for years, as they are firmly supporting family and historic American values.

This is about the Next Generation to a large extent! That is a major motive behind the book.

   “And even when I am old and gray, O God, do not forsake me,Until I declare Your strength to this generation,Your power to all who are to come.” (Psalm 71:18)

As I prepare for the interview, my thoughts turn to Luke and some other young men I’ve met lately, since I’ve published the book. I know it’s God’s heart for older men to share their faith and mentor younger men, as I said clearly in the book. Two things stick out in my mind about my time and friendship with Luke. [1] After reading the book, he purchased ten of them, and held a six week Bible study at his home with friends, other young college men. It encouraged me, and he reported that it was a good and worthwhile pursuit for them. [2] In one of our frequent discussions about the book, he brought up homosexuality saying, “I thought when I first read that part of your book, you were being a bit hard on the issue because how it is today is all I’ve known all my life.” “But I see now you have a Biblical perspective on the issue.” What he shared was a bit shocking to me for a couple reasons, but that is a story for another time.

My Friend Brock (Right) in Cuba

My Friend Brock (Right) in Cuba

My thoughts also turn to a young University of Georgia man I met on a recent trip to Cuba. There were 15 UofG students among our group of 40. There were several couples there in their seventies, and several ages in between. As is almost always the case with the family of God, we bonded in close and amazing ways. Brock said one day to a small group of men, ages 40-60, standing and sharing with him, “Where have you guys been!?” “You’ve deserted our generation!”

It was good food for thought, and for frank discussion! But I want to take away from it here that there are many young men (and women) who would love to have the attention, counsel, and friendship (mentoring) of the older generation! And there are plenty of the older generation that would profit beyond measure by having one of these young men or women in their lives. Don’t quit! Don’t give up. You’re still here, so it’s part of your mission to declare God’s faithfulness and ways to the succeeding generations. Be open to it. Seize the opportunities. Do it!

Laura  & Ann in Cuba

Laura & Ann in Cuba

  “That the generation to come might know, even the children yet to be born,That they may arise and tell them to their children,That they should put their confidence in GodAnd not forget the works of God,But keep His commandments,” (Psalm 78:6–7)

Tell your sons about it, and let your sons tell their sons,And their sons the next generation.” (Joel 1:3)


We Have Seen … God Speaks with Man

Friends sharing life and what they know of God

Friends share life and what they know of God…

“We have heard His voice …We have seen today that God speaks with man.Deuteronomy 5:24

What is God saying in this hour? To you personally? To His bride, the Church? Can you know? Can anyone know? Does He speak? Do we hear?

Some of you reading these questions would be  able to respond right away with what you’ve heard recently, or what you believe is on God’s heart from what you’ve read, or heard from the mouths of His followers.

Some of you would say, “You’re kidding, right?” “No one can hear the voice of God, or know what’s on His heart or mind.”

I’m going to leave those two positions with you to ponder or decide, and blow right past them to what I’ve heard lately and believe to be on God’s heart and mind.

My Good Friend Luke Now In Seminary

My Good Friend Luke Now In Seminary

In so doing I’m going to point you to some recent books that have made their way into my life through friends, as well as some that have come recently onto the national scene. I’ll also  launch a new web page I’ll probably entitle “Kingdom Resources,” or something creative like that. 🙂

These books speak loudly on their own, and easily stand alone. But I’ve learned when books come to me like this in the same season of time, and I hear other believers talking about them, sharing common insights, and I read the same Bible stories and passages stressing the same points from my daily reading  scheduled a year in advance; I get it. This is what God is saying. This is what’s on His heart. At least for me and my friends, where we live, and love , and serve.

When I sense He’s speaking in such a fashion. I get more and more quiet in my spirit. I try to listen more intently, to see if He will say more? Or impress me with some activity or action in concert with what I’ve heard? To be obedient to His leading; to be a part of what He’s saying or doing;  nothing brings me more joy!

So what are the books? 🙂

The Insanity of God by Nik Ripken

Risk Is Right, Better to Lose Your Life Than to Waste It by John Piper

The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness, The Path to True Christian Joy by Timothy Keller

They Share What They Hear God Saying and See God Doing

They Share What They Hear God Saying and See God Doing

I encourage you to read these books, now, in this season. Perhaps in this order! Don’t let the size of the first one dissuade you! He’s a great story teller, and you won’t be able to put it down. The second two are very short, easy to read, and weighty; the way men like them. All three are books men would like, because of the message.

What is God saying through these books and His other methods of speaking? Things about sacrifice, courage, serving, discipleship, the next generation, freedom, persecution, faithfulness, knowing God, joy, and more. Read and listen. Enjoy what God by His Spirit will make known to you. His words are truth and they are life. Amen.

Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; for You I wait all the day.” Psalm 25:5

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.”  John 14:6