AFR Radio Interview

My Good Friend Luke Now In Seminary

My Good Friend Luke Now In Seminary

A month ago I was contacted by American Family Radio and asked to do a live interview about my book, “A Friend of the King,” on Thursday, June 5th, from 10:15 to 10:30 CDT. I’m very excited about this opportunity that seemingly came out of nowhere to talk about the book and make it better known. May the Lord that inspired it be lifted up. Thanks for praying for me, the book, and listen in if you can.

For AFR local stations click here.

The interview will be hosted by Tim Wildmon & Ray Pritchard of AFR. Should be interesting, and hopefully fun for all involved.

2014 Canoe Trip with Three of the Next Generation

2014 Canoe Trip with Three of the Next Generation

Those of you who know me know that I am largely detached from the media, preferring reading, meditative and spiritual pursuits. After being a media and news addict for the first three decades of my life, my wife and I didn’t have a TV for eighteen years, our two children being raised without one. We have several funny family stories about these times.

That said, I’ve been listening to AFR while blogging today in preparation for this interview. I’ve been impressed by the speakers, the music, and the truth being shared in a positive manner. Also many of the ministries associated with this organization I’ve appreciated and supported for years, as they are firmly supporting family and historic American values.

This is about the Next Generation to a large extent! That is a major motive behind the book.

   “And even when I am old and gray, O God, do not forsake me,Until I declare Your strength to this generation,Your power to all who are to come.” (Psalm 71:18)

As I prepare for the interview, my thoughts turn to Luke and some other young men I’ve met lately, since I’ve published the book. I know it’s God’s heart for older men to share their faith and mentor younger men, as I said clearly in the book. Two things stick out in my mind about my time and friendship with Luke. [1] After reading the book, he purchased ten of them, and held a six week Bible study at his home with friends, other young college men. It encouraged me, and he reported that it was a good and worthwhile pursuit for them. [2] In one of our frequent discussions about the book, he brought up homosexuality saying, “I thought when I first read that part of your book, you were being a bit hard on the issue because how it is today is all I’ve known all my life.” “But I see now you have a Biblical perspective on the issue.” What he shared was a bit shocking to me for a couple reasons, but that is a story for another time.

My Friend Brock (Right) in Cuba

My Friend Brock (Right) in Cuba

My thoughts also turn to a young University of Georgia man I met on a recent trip to Cuba. There were 15 UofG students among our group of 40. There were several couples there in their seventies, and several ages in between. As is almost always the case with the family of God, we bonded in close and amazing ways. Brock said one day to a small group of men, ages 40-60, standing and sharing with him, “Where have you guys been!?” “You’ve deserted our generation!”

It was good food for thought, and for frank discussion! But I want to take away from it here that there are many young men (and women) who would love to have the attention, counsel, and friendship (mentoring) of the older generation! And there are plenty of the older generation that would profit beyond measure by having one of these young men or women in their lives. Don’t quit! Don’t give up. You’re still here, so it’s part of your mission to declare God’s faithfulness and ways to the succeeding generations. Be open to it. Seize the opportunities. Do it!

Laura  & Ann in Cuba

Laura & Ann in Cuba

  “That the generation to come might know, even the children yet to be born,That they may arise and tell them to their children,That they should put their confidence in GodAnd not forget the works of God,But keep His commandments,” (Psalm 78:6–7)

Tell your sons about it, and let your sons tell their sons,And their sons the next generation.” (Joel 1:3)