Monthly Archives: July 2013

Little Children . Camp Hope

DSCN0513Today I’m making preparations to attend and assist at a summer camp for children. For the last year and a half or more, three volunteer adult leaders and several volunteer helpers have been working with adults and youth from an apartment complex in our city.  They’ve made relationships, gaining the trust and respect of the people there, young and old alike. The happy result is that our church with volunteers from other churches is hosting a summer camp for kids, many of whom might never have a summer camp experience — it’s a place to get away from their surroundings in a safe, loving place and just be kids!  And yes, the love of Christ will be shared through lives, service, messages, and music.

The model for this camp is Matthew 18, a camp for foster kids which just completed it’s 9th year,  beginning on Father’s Day each year and running for the following week, staffed by some of these same leaders and volunteers. Look here for their website, or here for photos of the 2013 camp completed a few weeks ago.

I will also add, that this is a completely different group of kids and camp, mostly from one apartment complex, and mostly elementary age. The leaders were hoping for maybe twenty children, and ended up with more than forty signed up!

SONY DSCPerhaps this is due to the work of the leaders, or the prayers of people with vision, or the First Sunday event held a couple weeks ago? An event organized to feed them, let them fish, swim, and have a good time, loving on them. Look here for photos of that happy event.

I know from the Bible that God’s heart is for  children, especially the fatherless, or those having a tough time. These two camps testify to that. God is at work through these leaders and servants.

SONY DSCTruly in our day the “fields are white unto harvest.” Jesus said that. He also said the harvest is plenty but the laborers are few. You would think the next thing from His mouth might be, “get busy and get to work out there.” But it isn’t, He says instead, “Pray to the Lord of the harvest.” “That He would send workers into the harvest.” So that instruction from the Master would be the first and most important step. Please Pray.

But then if we catch a glimpse of the Lord in prayer, or of His heart, we might like Isaiah say, “Here am I LORD, send me.”

Let’s start looking for small ways to plug in, and serve.


Shalom in Him,


“See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.” (Matthew 18:10, NIV)

In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.” (Matthew 18:14, NIV)

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” (James 1:27, NIV)

DSCN0717He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.” (Matthew 18:2–5, NIV)


Book Signing: The Journey Continues

The first official book signing for “A Friend of the King” was held at The Solid Rock bookstore in Fort Smith on Saturday, July 20th. The store said it was very successful. I have no gage at this point, but I know I was pleasantly busy, and the time passed very quickly. The best part was making new friends and seeing old friends. For many I know the motivation was freindship, and I am deeply touched. Thank you for making it a wonderful and memorable rainy Saturday!

Longtime friends bought multiple copies  and hard back copies. Thanks for your support and encouragement! I met new friends who described to me how their lives had been changed by the King, one overcoming a twelve year addiction and time in prison. Another told of overcoming hardship and family tragedy, but was beaming with joy and a good attitude, telling passionately of  volunteering to help others. The King changes lives. He saves and delivers! He always has, and He will till He comes! It’s a joy to serve Him and to tell others about Him.

It was a day to feel really good about writing the book! And to remember the King, with friends.

New Friend Earl Stops for a Chat and a Book

New Friend Earl Stops for a Chat and a Book

Mrs. Kaay   A True Friend of the King

Mrs. Kaay a true friend of mine and of the King

Chris, Page and Brian drop by for a visit and a book, becoming new friends



Les stops for four book for his girls and gifts

Last from Moore: A Father’s Heart



Items Found in the Woods Near the Old Man’s House

I couldn’t really describe the Moore experience in a thousand blogs, and I don’t really need to. I simply got a call from a friend saying there was a need to help some people and an opportunity to serve. To give up a day of my life to help some people whose lives were in ruins at the moment, and to enjoy the company of some friends in helping, that seemed a small sacrifice and a no-brainer. Besides, my good friend Chuck invited me.

As I’ve mentioned, it seemed to me that the Lord saved the best to last that day! We did get to help some people personally, to get really close to where and how they live, to touch each other at a deeply spiritual and human level. And we saw that their main needs were not really material but moral, mental, spiritual, and emotional.

This situation is typical I’m sure, but the man and the encounter I’m going to describe to you is anything but typical. Really all people are atypical. They have their own lives, how they’ve lived them, and their own stories.

The picture of this old man, poor, but kept, with strength and dignity is what looms large in my mind from Moore, and it will forever. It was a deeply fulfilling, touching, holy moment for me as Chuck and I stood on his steps and he on his porch, the porch of the only standing house within view.

We had done some debris removal and physical labor next door for his neighbor with the storm cellar, but there wasn’t much to be done physically any longer. An army of Mennonites with bobcats and chainsaws had swept in to help along with others. They had water and food. The long process of rebuilding would begin in time.

The old man conveyed that to us, along with his profound, heart-felt gratitude for all the help he’d received. “People have been so good to us,” he said reflecting, followed by a single large tear streaming from his right eye to his chin.

There was some silence, and pause; none of this happened quickly. My friend Chuck said, “Looks like you could use a hug.” I was grateful he said that, because I was feeling the same thing, but not knowing what to do or say. The old man nodded his head slowly up and down. Chuck climbed up on the porch, and gave him a long, strong manly hug. With the both of them facing me and our Israeli friend, the tears began to flow like streams from both eyes. No sobbing or crying, just streams as the man looked out over the rolling hills toward the horizon. Silence followed. Time. Open ears and open hearts.

The stress of the tornado and destruction all around them had brought some real and deep life issues to the surface; issues not easily, if ever, shared with strangers. The old man began to speak. “The day of the tornado, my grandson cursed me and my wife. We raised him, but I told him he wasn’t acting like a Frazer*, and I thought it best that he leave our home, and he did.” After some silence I said, “Can I pray for you and your grandson?” He said, “Please do.” Our hats removed, I asked God to have mercy on everyone involved, to forgive and protect the young man, and to restore the relationship in time. The old man nodded his agreement and appreciation, and added with more tears streaming down his face, “Please pray for my little great granddaughter Kennedy, I don’t know what will become of her?” I did immediately and I have ever since. Please join me in a prayer for Kennedy if you will.

That old man showed me something I wasn’t expecting in that moment. I came to help, but I received help, insight, and instruction.

He showed me the heart of a real man; a heart that beats for his children, and his children’s children. A heart of sacrifice. A heart that never stops caring. Never stops standing for them.

Friends in the Service of the King

Friends in the Service of the King

I think I saw the heart of God.




Photos from our time in Moore


* Name changed for privacy.

Early Is Good . Spirit 106

On the AirIt’s been an eventful couple days in the life of the book, and my life by extension!

I attend a men’s Bible and Prayer time at Heritage United Methodist Church. It is a rich and inspirational time, a place and time where I get a lot of spiritual oxygen for my journey.  Afterwards, one of the guys followed me to my truck to buy a book. Several of the guys stopped me after the meeting to tell me they liked the book, adding the kinds of help or insights they were getting from it. I would say more than half of the 25 to 30 attendees procured a copy over the last three weeks. That’s very encouraging.

After the early [6:15 a.m. -7:15 a.m.] Tuesday morning meeting, I headed south across the river to the Spirit 106 radio station for a live interview about the book with DJ and friend Dave Burdue and his cohost Sylvia. They were professional, prepared, and did an exceptional job making me feel at ease, getting to the bottom line of the book, and getting the word about the book on the airwaves. In fact, within five minutes of arriving home, I discovered a Facebook friend heard the interview, found out about the book for the first time, and ordered one from Amazon. 🙂 Whew, the speed and power of technology in our day!

A copy of that radio interview can be heard here, on the book’s website. Photos can be seen here.

The interview also told of the first official book signing to be at the Solid Rock Bookstore this Saturday, July 20th, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.. Please drop by if you’re interested in getting a book; talking about it, or friendship, or our times.

This morning was another early, and inspirational one for me. A friend from another local church asked me to speak at their Wednesday men’s meeting [6:30-7:30]. I used my book as part of the introduction about what God seems to be doing, awakening men to walk with each other in deeper friendships and focused kingdom ways. I was warmly and enthusiastically received, with three guys getting a copy of the book afterwards.

They treated me like one of their own, and after they told me who was speaking the following two weeks, I wanted to be there. This is a sacrifice (albeit a joyful one) because I love to sleep in the early morning hours, and already attend early men’s meetings at three different locations on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. 🙂

Do you see a trend here? 🙂 I do. I’m excited and happy to be seeing it, and to be living in these times! God chose them for us.  And I remember what David said about sacrifice.

Maybe He’s awakening us to more joyful and powerful lives? Could be turbulent? Could be adventurous? Could be relationship deepening? Could result in some leaders like David, and some mighty men? Could be rewarding? Stay tuned, stay hungry, and stay obedient.

His joy to you all,


He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure.” (Isaiah 33:6, NIV)

Dave & Sylvia

Dave & Sylvia


Is That a Good Book?


Long Distance … Friends Forever

My mind is filled with wonder about the day and the way the Spirit is leading me in the book adventure. Today two friends joined up with me before daylight at the Fort Smith airport, and we flew at sunrise to Cabot, an hour and twenty minutes east, for breakfast and to celebrate our friendship with Charles, enjoying our camaraderie in Christ, something we’ve been doing for almost a decade now. We usually drive to Russellville, the Cracker Barrel, which is about half way. This we do once a quarter for the love, friendship, joy, and spiritual encouragement it brings each of us. But today we flew! Friendship is such a treasure! At this moment it’s all I can think about, and I’m having trouble thinking of a segue to what’s on my heart and mind to share about the book.  How about I just dive in?

The flight attendant was making her way down the aisle serving beverages, as my wife and I were returning from DFW to FSM last week. I was reading “A Friend of the King,” “David and His Mighty Men,” for the first time in months, and so engrossed that I didn’t see her standing there, smiling and looking at me. When our eyes met, she said with a smile, “Is that a good book?”

I was so shocked and surprised by her presence and the question that I smiled sheepishly, paused, and then said, “I think so!” 🙂 And that was all I intended to say.

But she lingered and wouldn’t let it go, saying, “Is that David the David of the Bible?” I looked back up at her and said, “Yes, it’s the David of the Bible.” She lingered and looked deep into my eyes as if asking, “There’s more isn’t there?” I felt like I was busted, and just came out with it, “Well, I wrote it.” “It’s my first book.” She smiled and nodded like she had won some contest of wills, as I told her the gist of the book from the table of contents.

A few minutes later I felt the Spirit impress me to sign and give her the book when I deplaned, which I did, saying, “Remember it’s a men’s book really, but several women have read it and liked it.” “If you don’t like it, you can give it to your pastor,” I said with a smile, moving on out the door to keep the line of people behind me moving down the aisle.

This funny little event gave me pause, and made me consider the question, “Is it a good book?” As I pondered the question it came to me: [1] There is plenty to be humble about. I’ll give a little more attention to the King’s English should I write again. Parts of it didn’t flow as smoothly as desired. But, [2] The Lord impressed me to write the book and gave me the message. [3] The Lord helped me as I wrote, again and again. [4] It’s about ninety percent Scripture. So, yes, I believe it is a good book that has a place in the kingdom and might be used of the Lord to awaken men to their call and purpose in life, while encouraging and equipping them to run the race with vision.

I can in good conscience champion it, and speak up for it. I see the need for it, and the good in it. That’s how the Lord is encouraging me to speak up for the book in this chapter of it’s life. Like this morning, around the breakfast table with men — friends old and new, discussing our times and what we should be doing. And how we all desire to become better friends of the King. I was pleased and gratified that the little book spoke to almost every need and issue being discussed. The LORD will speak through His Word by His Spirit, to men He chooses, and men who choose Him, causing life to flow, and fruit from His Spirit…

“… the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22–23, NASB95)

“so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11, NIV)

“to whom God willed to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” (Colossians 1:27, NASB95)

Paul near the end of his life said, “that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death;” (Philippians 3:10, NASB95)

Abram was told during his life, “After this, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision: “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.”” (Genesis 15:1, NIV)

A friend of the King gets the King as his friend. “Befriend the King!”

His peace [shalom, שלום] to you all!


PS While we were looking for the verse that says, “Christ in you, the hope of glory,” Drew found a verse that also applies to the book:

“But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.” (1 Corinthians 1:27, NIV)

Joy! 🙂





The Birth of a Friend: “A Friend of the King”

IMG_0312It seems as if this book has taken over my life, at least in this season or the last few weeks. 🙂 I thought when it was published, it would be done, and I could go on to other things; things new, fun, and interesting. Well, when I think about it, this book chapter of my life is new, fun, and interesting. I would never have dreamed I would be here really!

I’m still in the first months after retiring early from my job as an American Airlines’ pilot, and entering the Psalms 23 chapter of my life. That’s what I tell my friends who ask, “What will you do?”  Psalms 23 says a lot, but right up front it says, “The LORD is my Shepherd,… He leads.”

He has, and He is, and He will. So back to the book. I feel like writing it was an act of obedience. That He directed me to write, and that He helped me to write, and helped me persevere until published. So I need to do due diligence in getting the word out there about the book. Not to spend lots of money on marketing, or self promotion, or anything like that, but to humbly do what the Lord shows me to do to get it in the hands of people who could be helped, encouraged, and guided by the Scripture and related thoughts it contains.

It occurred to me recently that you might be interested in this part of the journey, the journey of writing and publishing a book, as it is happening. I’ve been humbled and touched by many friends and relatives who have received the book with enthusiasm, many having read it already and providing positive feedback. So I’ll start chronicling some of the continuing saga under the  category, “The Book Journey.”

Here’s some current activity! Yesterday I headed to a local Christian radio station to arrange for a radio interview in preparation for my first book signing later this month, which I also arranged at a book store a few minutes later. That store, The Solid Rock, had sold all the books I’d left them a couple weeks ago, so I dropped off some more. While in the parking lot I headed next door to say “hello” to a good friend who is a bank president. He surprised me by asking me to sign three books he’d purchased for family members.

And so it’s going, and gone. I don’t expect too much from these type activities. They are time consuming and humbling. But humility is good. And it feels like obedience. Obedience is good. I feel the Lord gave me a small vision about the process last Sunday. It’s akin to starting a campfire, which takes small, small pieces of wood, several puffs, and patience. But soon you have a fire that roars and is self-sustaining to the point you can throw about anything on it for fuel, and it’ll keep going.

The Lord is my Shepherd; He leads…

It’s my prayer and purpose this humble writ goes out into the kingdom and world, making better friends of people, and of the King.

I sense the book is doing that for me. His shalom to you all. And His joy!
