Tag Archives: Portal

New Book – God Stays Near

Here in the mid south we are in a deep freeze that’s a bit unusual for us with 4-8 inches of snow blanketing the area and temperatures near 0º F or -18º C! It’s a great day to stay by the fire and read.

I’m announcing the arrival of my new book, God Stays Near – Faith and Flight, which became available as a paperback from Amazon February 17th. A hard cover and eBook version will follow shortly. The short blurb on the book’s cover reads:

“A former American Airlines captain and USAF fighter pilot tells stories about faith and flight during the retirement chapter of living and how God has stayed near for joy, protection, and adventure. Included are stories of flying to Alaska, Idaho, Honduras, and picking up a new airplane from the factory in the Pacific NW with a friend—all flying adventures he never saw coming when retiring professionally. Intermixed are stories of current and past faith adventures that continue to shape flight through life as God stays near. Woven in the mix is advice to peers and the next generation on how to experience God and enjoy life to the full until the end via the spiritual disciplines—the habits and rhythms of the ancient-future faith in Jesus Christ. You will enjoy these stories of faith and flight and be inspired to adventure in your realm.”

The book is very real and personal too, as it may be my last, except possibly photo books, for meditation and devotion. I tell about an airplane crash I had in January two years ago, about some of my most personal spiritual experiences, and God’s faithfulness and leading through these chapters of life — staying near.

The cover is from a painting by a treasured friend Ralph Irwin (1936-2019), an artist who did the art work on my first book, A Friend of the King, and was by my side on many kingdom missions in our communitty of faith in Fort Smith, Arkansas, as well as in Belize. I had a strong spiritual impression to use this artwork even before I knew which direction the book would take. The book is largely about “soul care” or practicing the ancient spiritual disciplines or habits and rhythms that serve to keep our souls healthy, vibrant, and knowing God better each day and year of our sojourn. There are spirits involved, angels light and dark, from a different realm, but active in our realm and interacting with us, many times without our notice, especially if we neglect these practices and fail to maintain spiritual sensitivity.

I think when you read the book, you’ll get it as you go. We’re all on a journey, to enjoy and live the gift of life and choice that is magnanimously given by our Father in heaven. We travel, as the title to Ralph’s painting suggests, “From Portal to Portal.” There are spirits involved. It’s best to understand how they operate, especially those who are enemies, and stay connected to the Father of Lights.

Here’s a quote from the book: “As an international airline pilot, I had the opportunity to spend many days in Paris, London, and Madrid. I would frequent the Louvre, the National Gallery, and the Prado art museums. The number of paintings of angels and demons in conflict from the early Middle Ages to the Enlightenment in these world-famous art repositories is staggering. I used to think, ‘Wow, these people were superstitious!’ But now I think they were more in touch with reality and the spiritual realm than modern humans.”

That’s a tiny, but important aspect of the book. I hope you’ll give it a look and profit from it spiritually for the rest of your soul and the rest of your days. Reading is a spiritual discipline, as is solitude, slience, meditation, and taking time alone to think and hear from God. So stay warm, cozy up somewhere with a blanket or cup of coffee, and read a good book. Godspeed on your journey.

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