Charles Simpson, a man whose influence touched the lives of many, bid farewell to Earth on February 14, 2024, leaving a profound legacy in each of us who knew him.
Several hundred folks from around the country and globe gathered to joyfully celebrate his life and legacy. It was a true party, as one would expect. Stephen, Susanne, and the CSM leadership team, guided by the Holy Spirit, orchestrated a gathering of joyful, expectant, grateful, humble, accomplished, spiritual warriors and warrioresses at Covenant Church, Mobile, AL, to celebrate the gift that Charles Simpson was and honor the man he was.
When I received the invitation, I wondered how they would pull this off. Let the people assemble two hours before the service begins to hug necks, tell stories, and catch up on each other’s lives and what Charles meant to them, for starters.
Once the official service started, one got the idea that Charles himself had laid out the plan, and Stephen (and the other speakers) said as much. “I hate long funerals,” Charles said. He gave each speaker a certain amount of time, mostly five minutes, which was mostly honored. His children may have been given a little liberty on the time or taken a little liberty, but it was beautiful and special.
I won’t try to recreate what Stephan, Susanne, Charlyn, and Jonathan said. I will say that what the ladies shared was very real, honoring, candid, relational, and beautiful. The whole service was recorded as a YouTube video, which is worth your time to experience for an inside look at the beauty we all beheld at some distance.
Don Poythress led us in worship. Michael Coleman delivered the eulogy. Bishop Joseph Garlington brought some special music and words of insight about Charles. To the surprise of many, Pastor Aaron Früh, Charles’ personal pastor for the last few years, welcomed us and provided us with some surprising pastoral insights into Charles’ final days.
Most of us were there for four hours, from 10 AM to 2 PM, and it seemed like thirty minutes—also seemed that time didn’t matter. The Spirit moved like a Gulf breeze through the family gathered to honor Charles, warming hearts, giving revelation, and bringing a soul-stilling peace.
It was even more special to experience it with some West Monroe, LA, friends who knew Charles well and had been similarly impacted by his life, teaching, and preaching.
To top it all off, many of the crowd ambled over to the fellowship hall for an authentic Cajun meal of seafood gumbo, cheese grits, collard greens, pork, chicken, and more. Indescribable deserts were centered around a large plate piled high with apple fritters, which we learned Charles enjoyed daily with his dog as part of their breakfast. Who knew?
My heart is smiling, and I’m rambling. The reality is that I have no words to describe God’s unfathomable reach and majesty. I also struggle to find words to describe the depths and impact of a man so given to knowing God, experiencing His Spirit, and making Him known to others most of the hours and days of his life. Such a man and friend was Charles Simpson. To God be the glory.
[Click here to enjoy some photos and videos from the event.]
As I think of Charles several Scriptures come to mind, like Psalm 1, Psalm 23, Malachi 4:2, and Psalm 112:4. With a heart smile, I’ll end with this one:
“I will be your God throughout your lifetime— until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you” (Isaiah 46:4 NLT).
I invite you to pray with me the Aaronic Blessing over Charles’ family, ministry, and closest friends:
“The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace” (Numbers 6:24-26 NIV).