Matt Mooney is a great young man! He’s one of my son’s best friends, and I’ve known and loved his parents since the 80’s. He’s recently written a book, A Story Unfinished, about their first son Eliot who was born with Edward’s Syndrome and lived a miraculous 99 days. But the real miracle is what Eliot’s experience has brought about in the lives of his parents, and in the earth.
As the young parents walked through this devastating experience, they did so openly and honestly with their friends and their faith community. Matt, a very gifted communicator, is very honest and real. Not foreseeing anything that has since happened, he blogged about the whole experience while they were going through it, a blog that received about one million hits and resulted in this video.
Since then he’s been on national TV a few times and received a “Father of the Year” award from Tony Dungy’s ministry organization.
His life exhibits courage, sacrifice, honesty, and many other manly qualities that we so need today. It also speaks to the preciousness of life, and opportunities for ministry to those in need. It most clearly speaks about faith in God, and God’s faithfulness in pain.
Enough of all that, Matt would have said several sentences ago. I just want to encourage you to get his book and read it. I plan to review it on the blog when I can pry it out of my wife’s hands.
What I’d like to say now is this: [1] He’s a native Fort Smith lad, let’s support him! [2] There is a book launch party for him on June 27th at the Pavilion. [3] Be there to hear and support him if you can. [4] But the organizers need a RSVP! So go to this link and do so if you plan to come. Thank you for your time.
God Bless Matt & Ginny, and God bless “99 Balloons!”