Ron, a longtime friend unloaded a bombshell Tuesday morning when our 2020 reading group met. Sitting in the very chair where I’m sitting right now he read to us what could happen January 6, regarding who will be the 46th President of the United States.
Since I don’t watch the news, this was intriguing to me and continues to be as I’ve spent some time researching the matter.
Who knew? The founding fathers had this provision framed into our laws. On January 6, Vice President Pence, a man of character and Christian conviction, will preside over a joint session of Congress to open, present, and have them approve the outcome of the duly elected and appointed electoral college.
In years past this has been a formality, with a few notable exceptions like the Kennedy election of 1960 where there were concerns in Congress about fraud in the Chicago voting.
But this time, contrary to the narrative being projected by the media, if there should be enough evidence of fraud in the voting in key states, evidence which the Republicans say they have, one member of the House and one member of the Senate can motion in writitng that the vote is in question and not valid.
In this event, the vice president overseeing these proceedings as the president of the Senate would instruct both houses of Congress to separate and debate the matter for two hours, then reconvene and decide the matter by vote.
Each state would have only one vote, no matter how densely populated. There are more republican states than democratic states, so if every Republican state represented sees the fraud evidence sufficient and has the courage to vote that way, Donald Trump would likely remain the president of the United States of America.
Shocking! Can you imagine the shock? Of the majority of the population! Who have been told over and over that it’s over and Mr. Biden has won.
I remember two recent presidential elections where the media practically declared the outcome of the election in the weeks and days before — but it went unexplainably the other way? I digress.
So could there be political unrest? Maybe rioting in the streets? I’m sure there might be.
I would suggest that is not the biggest issue, although for many it is. Peace and safety at all cost, is the mantra or guiding position of many. The trouble is, it doesn’t work that way with evil in the world, and evil continues to plague mankind.
Evil is very much like cancer. You want to cut it out early to stop the spread and preserve the life of the whole! Do you not?
Or do you consider surgery too invasive? And the temporary pain and inconvenience too much of a sacrifice, and go on your way, letting it grow and spread? Thinking, “It will probably be all right.”
It’s exactly the same with evil. This is the best analogy I know. If free-will people do not stand up for truth and against evil, then more evil will come more powerfully to their door.
“You can pay me now, or pay me later.” We’ve all heard this about preventive maintenance and facing the truth or reality of a situation. We also know the price of “later” usually is much, much “greater.”
Ask the German people in Hitler and Bonhoeffer’s time. As the Russian people in Stalin and Solzhenitsyn’s time. Ask Israel in pre-Babylon and Isaiah’s time?
Dr. Ben Carson said it well when he was on the campaign trail for president, as he ended many of his speeches. “America will continue to be the land of the free, as long as she is the home of the brave.”
Let us not be like the British before World War II. Churchill was seeing things clearly and pointing out to the people Hitler’s true nature and plans. British Prime Minister Chamberlain at that time went to meet with Hitler and came back with his personal reality saying, “Peace, peace in our time.”
Of course people wanted to hear that. We all do. But the reality of what was about to happen was much different. The people were deluded by themselves and their leader to their own hurt. Many bombs would subsequently fall on London, many buildings would be burned or blown up. Many, many lives would be lost. The world would be plunged into a world war that might have been averted. When war came to England they went looking for Churchill, who saw the reality clearly in the beginning, to lead them through the terrible ordeal which by God’s grace he did.
Reality! Who do we celebrate, the doctor who makes an early, correct diagnosis of cancer, then addresses is the matter? Or the doctor who is casual, maybe inept, too busy with his life to be thorough with yours, or otherwise misses the reality of unhealthy, destructive cells growing in your body?
Truth is important! Reality is important! Seek to know both. Be willing to sacrifice for them. Pray for courage and insight. Then take courage.
The sooner you confront cancer the better off you are, no matter what the treatment looks like. The sooner you confront evil and lies the better off you are no matter what the ramifications look like.
It pleases God. And He will help you.
“But for you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings….” Malachi 4:2
What do you want? Righteousness and justice, which the Bible says is the foundation of God’s throne, and which will result in a better and more lasting peace? Or “Peace, peace in our time,” no matter the cost and the future consequences?
Hopefully January 6, 2021, the truth will be known. And then men and women in positions of leadership will act with integrity? Will they act for their own enrichment? Or for the present and future good of the country? Or for “Peace, peace in our time?” God knows.
The stakes seem pretty high for our republic and our way of life. The church and culture seem to be spiraling on a downward path away from God and his ways. One senses this could be an opportunity to slow the slide or reverse it.
There appears to be much evil in our government and it seems to be gaining ground. There are many snares being laid for the righteous. There is much boasting, bribery, and pride. There are many thinking their evil ways are hidden and will not be revealed. But Jesus reminded us that is not how it will work.
“Accordingly, whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in the inner rooms will be proclaimed upon the housetops.” Luke 12:3
Historically, these are activities that happen in many cultures and countries. But they have been relatively few and out of sight in our country due to our founding father’s God-honoring roots, and moral population not willing to tolerate such.
These activities also historically have been shown to ignite the corrective actions of the Almighty. God is only unpredictable in the question of “when” and “how” He acts. As far as acting, He is the same yesterday today and forever.
At times it seems like His timetable is more like that of volcanoes, earthquakes, or geologic time. His timing is hard to predict and His judgments patiently delayed at times. He even says that about himself, as a warning to us.
“Whom have you so dreaded and feared that you have not been true to me, and have neither remembered me nor taken this to heart? Is it not because I have long been silent that you do not fear me? Isaiah 57:11
“These things you have done and I kept silence; You thought that I was just like you; I will reprove you and state the case in order before your eyes.” Psalm 50:21
But His judgments are true, and all together righteous. Only He has enough insight, wisdom, kindness, righteousness, and might, along with a merciful heart, to judge and act perfectly. He will act in His time.
We should decide what sort of time we think it is? And what our part or course of action should be? Practice justice and what’s right in your own life and realm. And pray for our country and leaders as in fact He instructs us to do.
“He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8
“First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be offered for everyone— for kings and all those in authority— so that we may lead tranquil and quiet lives in all godliness and dignity. This is good and pleasing in the sight of God our Savior,” I Timothy 2: 1-3
May God have mercy on our country. Christmas peace to you all.