Your Portals

We recently received a new mezuzah. Our good friend Flora went to Israel last month on a spiritual pilgrimage with a friend and brought one back at the request of my wife to replace a cracked one on our back door. Ours has been with us since our first trip to Israel with friends in 1994.

A mezuzah is a small half-cylinder container that Jewish folks have affixed to their doorways for centuries, if not millennia. They contain specific, short Torah portions of Scripture to remind them (and us) to revere the commandments and keep them: “Write the words of God on the gates and doorposts of your house” (Deuteronomy 6:9; 11:20).

Many will touch or kiss the mezuzah (a Hebrew word for “doorposts”) as they enter and exit their homes in a show of affection and loyalty — to be grateful for the commandments and live by them. These are affixed on many Jewish homes, whether they are observant or not, and the homes of many Christians who wish to honor the roots of their faith and show their thankfulness for the commandments, celebrating the Giver.

Placing the new mezuzah and relooking at the inside scroll made me think again about the doorways of our homes and hearts. Who keeps or guards those for you? Are you mindful and grateful for what enters your home or doesn’t? Of who or what protects your home or doesn’t?

Two chapters in my newest book Puzzling 2020, came to mind as I pondered these thoughts. One was entitled “Israel ישראל” because it’s a piece of the puzzle in our day and any day. The other is entitled “Cell Phones” because of the entrance they give to our homes by outsiders and influences 24/7/365, crowding our space for solitude, silence, meditation, and being alone with our thoughts — something prized and valuable to humans since the beginning of time.

Israel ישראל

Here’s a blurb from the upcoming book: ’’A couple of years before my mom passed away, she gave me a book for Christmas entitled, ‘What in the World is Going On?: 10 Prophetic Clues You Cannot Afford to Ignore’ by David Jeremiah. When I opened the cover, the first words staring at me were ׳May 14, 1948.׳ I knew immediately it would be good, and I read it in very few settings.

“Israel has been a part of the puzzle from the beginning, in God’s mind, and God’s eyes. And she will be until the end. You can’t read the Bible or history and fail to see that. Her presence in the world and history is too remarkable to overlook. I would like to plunge into all the evidence for that statement, but a book like this won’t permit it. Accept it by faith and evidence. Then keep your eyes and ears open to whatever the Lord will show you about the small nation, and what she teaches us and the world about the Lord.

’’All you need to know is that Israel is highly favored by God, and any wise, God-fearing person will bless them and support them any way possible. Abraham, the father of the faith, is also the father of Israel. In the first book of the Bible, about four thousand years ago, we see God make Abraham a promise: “And I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed” (Genesis 12:3).

’’A brief, telling look at history is to look at all the nations who have blessed Israel, and all the nations who have cursed Israel. Note what happens to them. A couple of God’s attributes acted out in history tell the tale. First, God doesn’t lie or change His mind: ‘God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?’ (Numbers 23:19 NIV). Secondly, even if people or nations don’t keep their word to God, He keeps His Word. It’s Who He is: ‘If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself’ (2 Timothy 2:13).

’’Allow me to wrap up this introduction by quoting three observations about Israel by well-known people. King Louis XIV of France asked Blaise Pascal, the great French philosopher and mathematician, to give him proof of the supernatural. Pascal answered: ’Why, the Jews, your Majesty ― the Jews.’”

I then recall famous quotes by Mark Twain and Leo Tolstoy and give other evidence for Israel’s remarkable place in history and the world.

Cell Phones

Here’s another blurb from the book: “We were talking about this book, and the topic of cell phones came up — how much they affected the world’s population, especially the youth or the next generation. We were talking about deception, but our discussion was broad. I asked Mugger to recap some of the thoughts we shared, mostly his. Here they are:

‘Social media is a way to inform and influence the entire world instantly. The control of SM (social media) controls the message people receive, a good way to get a consensus on social and moral issues since most people do not filter what they receive. It has instant credibility, especially with young people and the unthinking. It used to be ‘as seen on TV,’ now it’s ‘as seen on Twitter.’ Controlling people’s thoughts makes a one-world government easier to sell.

“Cell phones now connect the world because the infrastructure is much easier than landlines. Only a couple of decades ago, a significant percentage of the world population was isolated in its location and culture. Now kids in third-world countries can explore an entire world their parents never even knew existed. That can be good, except when the content is controlled. It’s a great way to indoctrinate the next generation. Maybe there was safety in isolation.

“Kids now live through their phones rather than reality. Their reality is what’s on the phone. They sit together in groups working on their phones rather than interacting with the person next to them. Apparently, the virtual reality in their phone is better than the reality of the present moment. They develop a false sense of what real life is. They are exposed to humanistic junk, porn, and leftist ideology, all at an early age, rather than having a chance to grow up as kids playing sandlot ball, etc. Despite parental controls, they can get exposed to all kinds of stuff well above their maturity level that they can’t process properly.

“Cell phones and SM are the perfect tools to generate one-world group think.”


Give a little thought to the commandments — God’s ways. Give a little thought to the portals of your life — what you allow in and keep out. There is much to be gained or forfeited in these two activities. Godspeed as you journey.

New Mezuzah