What Do You Say?

It’s been awhile since I’ve written or blogged. I’ve practically given up FaceBook for a long season and promoting my book that way? It’s been a quiet time of enjoying life, reflecting on life, and seeking the Lord personally for myself. Oh, I’ve been active in kingdom circles and activities, maybe too much so? I attend three men’s meetings each week. A life group from the church I attend meets in our home weekly. And we support a number of missionaries and mission causes. But some deep disappointments and spiritual circumstances have had me derailed, disillusioned, and not serving the Lord in the same way I’ve served in the past.

I mentioned the men’s groups I attend. Hopefully I bring something of value to the table for some of them occasionally, but I mainly attend for myself. The spiritual food from others who seek the Lord, and determine to live for and with Christ, sacrificially and faithfully. To the end. These men touch me deeply with their lives, honesty, humility, and humor. This is most valuable to a man in some spiritual despair and disillusionment.

I find myself wanting to dive off into this, and the lessons learned, and how the Lord spoke to me about it this morning in my Wednesday men’s group, but not now. Suffice to say, it was about grumbling in the wilderness. A spiritual wilderness for me. But we know from Exodus and the NT that grumbling is not good! It can derail your life! Your life with God. And the good plans He has for you. Enough on that, you get it! I got it this morning, thankfully, when I heard the Scripture and the Spirit highlighted it in my heart and experience. And in the safety of those men, I shared it, bringing some healing and release to me.

We prayed for many things today, but one jumped out at me. A friend of one of our members  had lost his sixteen year old grandson in an automobile accident last week where he was ejected from a vehicle and then run over by the same.:( This same grandfather had lost a wife in an untimely death, and was “mad at God,” as reported by my friend. Certainly this is understandable and we’ve all known of situations like this, trying to pray, counsel, and morn with those who morn. And this is right, of course. I guess? But this is what came to me…

It was written on a church bill board or marquee a few blocks from my house that I viewed driving home yesterday. It says, “God owes you nothing. God gave you everything.” Kindly stark! Isn’t it? But absolutely true as you start to meditate on it, in light of the Bible, and the human experience, isn’t it?

I’ve determined to keep my blog posts short, to better serve readers, and because I like short posts myself. 🙂 So the main point of my musing and insight this morning will come later, when this writ is continued…


Nor grumble, as some of them did, and were destroyed by the destroyer.” (1 Corinthians 10:10)

The end of all things is near; therefore, be of sound judgment and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer. Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins. Be hospitable to one another without complaint.” (1 Peter 4:7–9)