The Footsteps of Paul

Ready for Adventure?

Ready for Adventure?

Greetings in the Name of the Lord,

I’m planning a spiritual adventure that I want to make public. It’s a trip to Turkey and Greece this coming June 2015. I led a wonderful group of  thirty folks to Israel in 2009, and many of them requested I put together a follow-on trip covering the footsteps of Paul — his missionary journeys. Then earlier this year a pastor friend of mine mentioned he had promised his people a similar trip, but was having trouble finding the time to plan it. I offered my assistance. The resulting trip is on the books and available to you or any friends who may  be interested. We have twenty folks signed up and have room for ten or so more to make an optimum size group.

I am! :)

I am! 🙂

Paul covered an amazing amount of territory in his missionary journeys, even by today’s standards. We’ve arranged our travel to cover about 80-90% of it, including the Churches of Revelation, and the Isle of Patmos where John wrote the Apocalypse. Pastor Wes has been teaching on the book of Acts in preparation for the trip, and you can access his teachings here. You can find a basic map of our trip that I hope to update soon here.

IMG_0446Or you can read the itinerary for the trip here, along with phone numbers for answers to any questions you might have. You can also email me for information from this website. We’ll visit a beautiful part of the earth, as well as an important part of church history and western civilization. I’ve not been to Greece and am very much looking forward to that. I was in Turkey on an USAF deployment in the 1980’s and found it warm, beautiful, and enchanting. Ephesus is still the most amazing archaeological site I’ve ever seen. I look forward to seeing it again!





Today I received  this insight from Dr. Tuttle, who will be the Paul expert on our trip, along with Pastor Wes, myself, and our Turkish/Greek guides. “I’m just back from Israel and we had a great time.  Turkey/Greece and Rome will be even better.  I’m reminded that this pilgrimage completes the NT begun in Israel.  Israel gets us into the Gospels but Turkey/Greece/Rome get us into the rest of the NT.”

I hope you can join us! Pass the word and this link to anyone who might be interested in this earth-life adventure!

Shalom All,






