We Wait…


I have a good friend who started sending out a morning Scripture and missive five years ago or more. Today’s seemed to really fit for believers, so I share it with permission (bolding mine). Thanks Dwayne Russell.

“Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance,”
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭1:13-14‬ ‭ESV‬‬
“Set your hope fully on Him!!!
There is a lot of craziness, lots disorder all around but Jesus is not moved from His position. We are still called to occupy till He comes. That day may be sooner than we think. We have to be willing to suffer as our Savior did. It may get harder before He comes, but one thing I know He is faithful and we can trust Him with our tomorrows.”

And today’s verse of the day from YouVersion seemed to be an excellent reminder considering our days and today. His blessings to you and yours!

“For the earth will be filled With the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, As the waters cover the sea.” Habakkuk 2:14

Vote! & Devote!

Good morning! As I arise at the cabin before sun up and see the breaking of dawn on the horizon, I am reminded that God is faithful — the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. It’s in Him I put my trust, and not in any man or political system.

That said, He has ordained and given us our unique political system and government for His purposes and to serve us. Today is an important day in which we get to select our leader for the next four years. Please exercise your constitutional privilege, your civic duty and VOTE!

Yesterday’s blog mentioned two things that seem to be at the forefront of this election for Christians; platform and character. Both are important, but in this election I said the platform or issues loomed much larger than character, and I spoke to the issues. They are so starkly different that any Christian should see that to vote one way is to choose secular humanism or man’s rule in the totality of life, and to vote the other way would be to choose God, His ways and His rule in our national life.


But I said I would address the character issue and I will. First I will give you my short, simple version. Then quickly I will defer to an article a friend sent me yesterday by Wayne Grudem who discusses the same issue. I consider Wayne Grudem one of the best theologians and Bible scholars alive today. And he certainly hits this nail on the head, discussing the character issue in depth.


That we should be voting today between two men with low morals, according to the media and the campaign ads, says more about our country and ourselves, than it does about the candidates perhaps. So I would suggest a look inward, and upward, asking the Divine for help in righting our moral ship with His Trustworthy Compass.

But decide we must.

If one is in the business of throwing stones, both candidates loom large as targets. And their lives have been put under a media microscope, perhaps one more than the other. The critics of one point to pride and past sexual misconduct. The critics of the other point to bribes and corruption evidence, as well as someone who frequently says one thing and does another, or changes what he says about an issue depending on the audience .

I’m going to give my nod to President Trump as having the best character of the two. A man who has done what he said he would do when he ran four years ago and since he took office. Speaking the truth, and keeping your word to me are very important signs of underlying character.

And again, God is the ultimate judge of character and actions, not me, not you. We just have to look at our options and vote.


Wayne Grudem’s thoughts are through, well thought out, and conveyed, typical of writers, scholars, and theologians. I’m only going to quote a few thoughts here that seem the most apropos to the issue and provide you the link. He writes (Bolding mine.):

“A candidate’s character and policies are both important to consider before voting. And I would agree that there are some character flaws so serious that they would by themselves disqualify a candidate (such as an avowed racist). But in most elections, and with most candidates, we have to choose between two rather ordinary human beings, both of whom have flaws. In that case, an evaluation of their policies becomes decisive. And that is the case in this election.”

“Here is the point at which people will make different political judgments, because human beings are extremely complex, and therefore an accurate assessment of a person’s character is difficult. It certainly should not be done quickly on the basis of small snippets of information. And complicating the task is the fact that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:20), so every human being has flaws that others can criticize.

Piper speaks of Trump’s character in entirely negative terms. Because of unbelievably hostile reporting in the mainstream press, other people can see no good character traits at all in President Trump. My assessment is different, and I think it is more balanced. I wrote this in 2016 and it still applies: 

“’He is egotistical, bombastic, and brash. He often lacks nuance in his statements. Sometimes he blurts out mistaken ideas…that he later must abandon. He insults people. He can be vindictive when people attack him…He has been married three times and claims to have been unfaithful in his marriages. These are certainly flaws, but I don’t think they are disqualifying flaws in this election.’”

“On the other hand, I think some of the accusations hurled against him are unjustified. His many years of business conduct show that he is not racist or anti-(legal) immigrant or anti-Semitic or misogynistic – I think these are unjust magnifications by a hostile press exaggerating some careless statements he has made. I think he is deeply patriotic and sincerely wants the best for the country. He has been an unusually successful problem solver in business. He has raised remarkable children. Many who have known him personally speak highly of his kindness, thoughtfulness, and generosity.”

“And now, after his nearly four years in office, I would add that he has shown remarkable courage of his convictions, faithfulness to his campaign promises, steadfastness of purpose in spite of an astoundingly hostile press, incredible energy in the performance of his job, dignity and even eloquence in many formal speeches and ceremonies at home and abroad, respect and appreciation for his wife Melania and his sons and daughters, and a wide-ranging understanding of the hundreds of different issues that every president faces. In contrast to his past life, during his term in office there is not been even a hint of any sexual impropriety. He is sometimes boastful but on a number of occasions I have seen him publicly give credit to many other people for things that have been accomplished. And I think he has shown mature and wise judgment in a variety of situations that he has faced as president.”

“With Trump, we will get good policies and character flaws, but with Biden we will get bad policies and character flaws.”

“It is easy to compare President Trump with a hypothetical “perfect” president and to conclude that he falls short, but that is not our choice. If Trump is not reelected, we will have President Biden, with an entirely different set of character flaws. The multiple allegations that Vice President Biden used his government office and influence to enrich members of his own family with millions of dollars from China, Russia, and Ukraine should be of deep concern, because using government power to enrich one’s own family is the consistent characteristic of corrupt leaders in many countries of the world.”

And lastly:

“The Trump administration has brought to prominence many leaders with exemplary lives.”

“Donald Trump is not the only person we are voting for. It is remarkable that the Trump administration has elevated so many self-professing evangelical Christians – far more than any in my lifetime – into positions of high influence in our government. They also provide role models for Americans. To vote for Trump as president is also to vote for Mike Pence as vice president, Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State, Ben Carson as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education, Russell Vought as director of the Office of Management and Budget, and numerous others. In addition, Trump has appointed numerous deeply committed Roman Catholics to various positions, the most recent being Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. The character of these leaders is also a role model for the nation.”

I hope you have found this discussion helpful. And that you will vote… wisely. For your own well being, as well as that of our children, and our grandchildren. America is in a moral free fall it seems, the kind that has produced collapse and judgment in the past, and this election will not fix that problem. Only the God that gave us life, and this nation birth, can do that. And He’s willing to help. But the outcome of this election will be a big step in one direction or the other. In letting Him know what we want. And showing us what we’re asking for?

May God give you wisdom, and peace, as you consider the options, and VOTE!

“Let your heart therefore be wholly devoted to the Lord our God, to walk in His statutes and to keep His commandments, as at this day.” I Kings 8:61

“Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving;”Col 4:2

“This I say for your own benefit; not to put a restraint upon you, but to promote what is appropriate and to secure undistracted devotion to the Lord.” I Cor 7:35


I’m working on a book about the puzzles of COVID and our times — in the church and in the culture. I had a dream of getting it finished before the 2020 Presidential election tomorrow. It was a dream when I had the thought, and it’s clearly not going to happen. But I intend to include these thoughts anyway when I do publish. It will date the book and tie it’s genesis to this time and this season in our country’s history but that’s fine. It’s actually very apropos to the theme of the book.

The puzzle of this election even being close, and it promises to be so, exposes a cloud of deception over our churches and our country. Deception is puzzling isn’t it? How do people, a large group of intelligent people come to believe completely opposite things or positions? Even among close friends and close family members? Many times both calling themselves Christians. Puzzling? Especially when these positions are so clearly different — practically opposite!

I write to Christians, people who believe the Bible, people who know and fear God. But truth is truth for every human just as it is for every Christian. I want to write with “gentleness and respect” as Christians are instructed to do. (I Peter 3:15) And with humility of course, but honestly I don’t get it — how a disciple of Christ, one who reads and believes the Bible, one who fears God in a healthy way could choose to vote left in this election? Puzzling indeed!

But God certainly honors our free wills, so certainly I should, and I will.

I just want to state my voting position and how I came to it.


This election and the last were so very simple to me. Which candidate has the best character? By their fruits you shall know them. Not by what they say, but by what they do. Jesus taught us this truth. I know that’s hotly debated, and I don’t want this to get long, so I will discuss that in tomorrow’s blog.


The LORD judges people, peoples, and nations according to His Word, the Bible. Read Psalm 2. It’s demonstrated and repeated throughout the Bible. Wise men and women aplenty have seen it in history too and become seers and leaders in their crucial times, e.g. Winston Churchill, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Joan of Arc.

Which platform or agenda shows more deference, honor, and respect for God and His ways? That’s the one to vote for each and every time if you value His blessings and your well being. That’s what the Bible says.

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD.” Ps 33:12

Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” Proverbs 14:34

[1] One side is pro life and against abortion. (Ez 7:23, Has 4:2, Lev 18:21)
[2] One side supports Israel while the other doesn’t (Gen 12:3)

Those two issues alone are enough for me to see a clear voting decision. But there are more.

[3] One supports Biblical traditional marriage while the other doesn’t
[4] One supports Religious freedom (not suing bakers or t-shirt makers for matters of conscience) (The First Amendment — Freedom of Religion and Speech) (Why the Pilgrims came to America in the beginning.)
[5] One supports Economic freedom (reducing taxes and regulations to promote innovation and create jobs — the thinking of our founding fathers in America )

These have been in line with Christian thinking for nineteen centuries throughout the history of the church.

These line up with the Bible, and thus with the thinking of our Creator and Judge. The acceptance or rejection of them have strong future consequences as they have had strong historical consequences. Choose wisely. And may God bless and keep you. And may God have mercy and extend His hand of grace to our nation.

COVID, Faith & Fear


Isn’t it amazing the different theories and reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic in our families, friends and country? Those reactions are as mysterious as the disease itself. And they are  telling … about us and what we believe about God, which A.W. Tozer says “is the most important thing about us.”

Isn’t the uncertainty and inconvenience causing us all to pause and think? To consider what might be going on, instead of running up and down the road, to and fro, living lives that are too busy doing meaningless things and serving our possessions and selfish purposes to extremes;  yet not really noticing due to the speed of our lives. This slow down, if you want to call it that, seems to me like a grace attack. It’s affecting every country in the world, yet without destroying an inordinate number of lives.

If the God of the Bible, Who says He is the One true God, wanted to judge our country and world, then destroy it with fire as the Bible says He will in the end, He would have plenty of reason right now it would seem. Yet He mercifully restrains Himself and tries to show us what we are without Him, giving us yet another opportunity and more time to know Him and be known by Him. To consider our ways.

It’s more like, to use a medical analogy, the Lord our Cosmic Surgeon, has diagnosed our culture and church (not in that order probably?), to have cancer (a serious sin and idolatry problem), and He is  going about cutting it out, before it spreads further, threatening to destroy the whole. Indeed I feel like He is answering the ancient prayer, “In wrath, remember mercy.”

This Morning

I have a good friend who was taken by ambulance to the hospital yesterday with COVID. He has openly been skeptical of the threat of COVID and, while taking the normal suggested precautions, has thought that our reaction as a nation in fear is way out of proportion with the threat, and doing more damage to our economy and way of life than the disease. So this morning one of our common friends said, “Isn’t it ironic that the only local friend or acquaintance we know that has contracted the disease is him?

I also have a close college friend, the best man in our wedding, who flew fighters with me in the air force, retired from that, earned a theology degree and became a pastor in Colorado Springs. He and his wife contracted COVID a few weeks ago. She only had flu like symptoms, but he went to the hospital with it.

It’s synchronistic that both are named Ron, and both are Christians, not in name only, but in practice, part of His church and His family, known by Father God through His Son Jesus Christ. They are both healing up. If judgment begins in the house of the Lord, as Scripture tells us, perhaps mercy does too!? 

Well I’m not trying to be prophetic or make this any kind of example, which one hardly could from two isolated instances anyway. I’m talking about walking by faith or by sight, in this COVID stricken time.

I called Gilberto, a friend in Honduras, last week to see what the situation was there with COVID, and whether we should be thinking about returning there on a mission trip this January.  He reported things are improving and some tourists and missionaries are returning. Then I asked him, “Do you know anyone personally who has contracted the disease or has died from it?” He said, “No.”

How many do you know? So why are so many so afraid? 

Oh, it’s a real threat. People have and are dying with it. Also how it’s contracted and how it’s to be treated and further prevented has mystified health care professionals around the globe. So the “unknown” aspect of it has caused many to fear. 

But child of God? What have you to fear? Death has lost it’s sting. The grave has no power over you as demonstrated by your Savior, Redeemer, Friend. Nor does anything, any circumstance short of death. Grace is available for living. So is faith. It’s a gift from God you know. Ask for it in prayer if you feel you need more. Dive into the Word, and rediscover the powerful God of your trust.

Creation & Thermodynamics 

Yes, there’s decay in the world. It’s a part of His design. And it’s the reason we need Him and the care and relationship He proffers. It’s a universally accepted law of physics, the second law of thermodynamics, that everything tends toward disorder and decay over time. They use the word “entropy” which is defined as a “lack of order or predictability, gradual decline into disorder.”

But in Scripture we read that Jesus the Son of God, was creator of all we see and call home. And then we read that He now sustains it by the power of his Word.

“All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.” John 1:3 *

“For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him.” Colossians 1:16*

“The Son reflects the glory of God and shows exactly what God is like. He holds everything together with his powerful word. When the Son made people clean from their sins, he sat down at the right side of God, the Great One in heaven.” Hebrews 1:3 NCV

We also read the hairs on our heads are numbered by Him, and not a sparrow falls to the ground without His awareness. The birds of the air and lilies of the field do just fine without worry, and we’re instructed to live like they do by the caring Creator. 

“Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life? And why are you worried about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith!  Do not worry then …” Jesus (Matthew 6: 26-31a NASB)

Feed Your Faith not Your Fear

Do a word study on “sustains,” read Psalms 139, read the Sermon on the mount. Feed your faith and not your fear. 

You can read the Psalms, the New Testament, the Old Testament, some of the Bible every day or you can listen to CNN or Fox News? You can feed your faith or your fear. You choose. What you do says a lot about what you believe and who you trust, does it not?

“Surely I have composed and quieted my soul; Like a weaned child rests against his mother, My soul is like a weaned child within me.” Psalm 131:2

If even a wise, busy king charged with running a kingdom can say this, surely we can. The same king no doubt read, and meditated on the Psalms, because he wrote most of them. Then the Bible would go on to say about him that, “he had a heart like God’s” and that “he accomplished the purposes of God in his generation.”

And the author of most of the New Testament and an apostle of Jesus Christ, charged with bringing the Gospel to the gentile nations and birthing the church, a reasonably active guy we might deduce, said to…

“…make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands, just as we commanded you, so that you will behave properly toward outsiders and not be in any need.” I Thessalonians 4:11-12 NASB

And pray to your Father in secret….to hear from Him personally…. to be continued.

*Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Jesus-Christ,-Creator

Don’t Lose Heart

Besides the prayer scene from the Apocalypse recorded in Revelation 8:1-5, what else do you need to encourage you to pray? Maybe Jesus’ example?

Jesus’ practice was to go be alone with the Father and pray. The disciples saw how it changed Him or affected Him, and said to Him, “Teach us to pray.” He gave them a model prayer we call “The Lord’s Prayer.”

And he told them a parable about prayer—about a poor widow crying out to a wicked judge, who granted her request because of persistence, so they “would always pray, and not lose heart.”

Notice Jesus prayer “for deliverance” and “of submission” in the garden with his sleeping friends. Notice his prayer to Father before raising Lazarus from the dead. Notice his prayer of thanksgiving upon the return of the seventy disciples and their reports of spiritual exploits and spiritual authority poured out on them.

Note Jesus in prayer. Follow his examples. Follow his lead.

Note when he prayed prayers of mercy for the likes of us, “Father forgive them, they know not what they do.” Notice when he answered prayers for mercy like those of blind Bartimaeus in Jericho, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.” (Mark 10:46-52)

This is a skill you learn by practice as you go your way; it’s an art form; it’s a simple heart cry. It’s individual to you. It’s not complicated.

But it’s done! It must be prayed. That’s the main thing. Often and much. It demonstrates humility and worship. It fosters relationship and knowing the King – to Whom you pray — and Him knowing you.

You can almost hear Jesus as He said, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them.”

So pray! It pleases him. He delights in the prayers of his people, the upright.

It’s the most important communication in your earth experience, to know and be known — by Him.

I’m quite certain prayer is an important piece of the 2020 puzzle. Prayerlessness is in large measure what got us into this present darkness. Prayer will be key to getting us out! Certainly personally, and also for our families, our friends, our churches, and perhaps our nation.

Don’t lose heart!


“He does what’s best for those who fear him—
    hears them call out, and saves them.” Psalm 145:19 MSG

The Blessing” from a good God, Who hears and answers prayer…

Teach Us To Pray!

Prayer is a piece of the puzzle. Would you agree? Read Revelation 8:1-5 — what does this tell us about prayer? Is this some sort of mystical image or an actual, ongoing event? Something that really happens moment by moment, day by day, that affects things in heaven and on earth? In our lives and the lives of the people we love?

Tomorrow our 2020 reading, friendship group starts our look into prayer.

It’s purpose and practice? How it works? How and why it pleases God? How to approach it and affect changes in our circumstances. How to expect and experience those effects.

I’m expecting new revelation about prayer — its power and efficacy. And I am expecting newly experiential intimacy with our Lord, Maker, Master, Creator, Father, Friend.

Prayer is the spiritual discipline in which I’m personally the weakest, that I understand the least. It’s also possibly the one that matters most to joyful and victorious life and living!

I’m praying for a new insight into its power and practice. That seems to be a good and humble place to begin.

It appears the Holy Spirit has led us to two simple books to read about prayer and ponder as He provides revelation, insight, and grace for the moment, to apprehend this portal into the heavenlies, into the actual throne room, for his purposes and our pleasure, our good. And the good of those around us.

The first book is “Before Amen: The Power of a Simple Prayer,” by Max Lucado. The second is “Talking with my Father: Jesus Teaches on Prayer,” by Ray Stedman.

Feel free to get copies and read along with us, asking the Spirit to open all our eyes and hearts to the practice, purpose, and Person of our prayer.

His grace to you. Amen


“Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.” James 5:16 NASB

Russian & Jewish Prophets

I just read the “Men Have Forgotten God” speech by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn delivered May 10, 1983 at Buckingham Palace, London, as he received the Templeton Award. The Templeton Foundation dubbed him, “a pioneer in the renaissance of religion in atheist nations.”

One of the famous quotes from that speech and his main point or summary goes like this. “…while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of older people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: ‘Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.’”

Wow! The whole of his speech that day blows me away! His insights — historical, political, geographical, philosophical, moral, intellectual, theological, Biblical… also “behold the man” standing there having been imprisoned many years and made a slave by his beloved Russia, full of love, and passion for his country and the world.

While I can see today’s churchmen and self-fancied theologians arguing whether Solzhenitsyn, if they even know who he is, should be considered a prophet or not — much like men playing cards in a hotel that’s on fire — his words ring honest, telling and true! Just like those of a prophet do.

This speech was delivered on the world stage in the 1980s in palaces and in leading universities around the world. I am in awe of it’s historical insight, sage wisdom, and prophetic candor. He certainly seems to be one who sees, when his culture, country, and the world around him didn’t or doesn’t.

So we have a modern Russian prophet and an ancient Jewish prophet saying, once again, essentially the same thing — from God. That’s what prophets do.

Want to hear what they’re saying? You can read the Russian prophet for yourself here. And I’ll quote the Hebrew prophet below, in part, from Psalm 106.

See if you can put the parts together looking at our country, our world, our day. Atheism and agnosticism it would seem are an important part of the puzzle of what’s going on in our culture, country, and churches.

Who in smug America knew? What atheism could do?

Atheism flowed in with idols galore
Secular humanist who think they know better
Boasting they know more

In the vacuum of God
In the strength of men
Slavery, death, and disaster
Soon reign again

The Almighty sits not idly by
But magnanimously watches from on high
He grants their desire, their want, their prayer
Knowing He must soon act with love and care

Justice meets mercy
Like a surgical knife
Cutting away cancer
Preserving life

Watching individuals and nations
This surgery can look pretty grim
Unless the eye is trained
On Him

Below are the words of the ancient Hebrew Prophet, Poet, and King — David. See if you can see a correlation to our country and our times? Much like what was reported and accurately ascribed by Solzhenitsyn to those terrible times in Russia. It would appear, barring His Grace, and our change of hearts and minds, we are on the same trajectory.

Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good;
For His lovingkindness is everlasting.
Who can speak of the mighty deeds of the Lord,
Or can show forth all His praise?
How blessed are those who keep justice,
Who practice righteousness at all times!

Our fathers … did not understand Your wonders;
They did not remember Your abundant kindnesses,
But rebelled …

They quickly forgot His works;
They did not wait for His counsel,
But craved intensely …,
And tempted God .…
So He gave them their request,
But sent a wasting disease among them.

And worshiped an [idol].
Thus they exchanged their glory
For the image of an [idol].
They forgot God their Savior,
Who had done great things [for them],

Then they despised the pleasant land;
They did not believe in His word,
But grumbled in their tents;
They did not listen to the voice of the Lord.

Thus they provoked Him to anger with their deeds,
And the plague broke out among them.

But they mingled with the nations
And learned their practices,
And served their idols,
Which became a snare to them.
They even sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons,
And shed innocent blood,
The blood of their sons and their daughters,
Whom they sacrificed to the idols …;
And the land was polluted with the blood.
Thus they became unclean in their practices,
And played the harlot in their deeds.
Therefore the anger of the Lord was kindled against His people

Does any of this sound right? Or familiar? Or like something that could happen or is happening? When men forget God?

Gratefully, Psalm 106 ends on a hopeful and merciful note, and a prayer. Let all who have ears to hear, hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches. Amen.

Nevertheless He looked upon their distress
When He heard their cry;
And He remembered His covenant for their sake,
And relented according to the greatness of His lovingkindness.

Save us, O Lord our God,
And gather us from among the nations,
To give thanks to Your holy name
And glory in Your praise.
Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel,
From everlasting even to everlasting.
And let all the people say, “Amen.”
Praise the Lord!

Speak to the Pandemic

“Speak to the pandemic and to these videos,” I was recently asked by two different friends, spiritual men and seers themselves.

The first video was by a pastor in Hawaii who provided some historical and political insights he thought were very relevant to our times and circumstances, which he saw as prophecy being fulfilled. They certainly speak plainly about socialism, communism, technology and what we are seeing today in the streets of some of our cities and in the news. You can decide for yourself. I think it’s worthy of your time. It’s always been important for disciples from Jesus time forward to look for the signs He told us would be a prelude to the end of the age. Among other benefits, it keeps us more focused on heaven, His kingdom there and here, and reminded of where our true citizenship and allegiance lies. He told us to be watching and aware for a reason.

The second video was by a pastor in KY who had some dreams about the pandemic and riots before they happened and told his people about them. Then he had some following dreams with time stamps of things getting worse, and when. This video has gone viral I understand, and again I would recommend you watch it for the reasons mentioned above.

As is my practice, when I see something of spiritual, prophetic, or Biblical import relating to some current situation, and it’s not absolutely clear to me how to interpret it, I ask a spiritual mentor, elder, and one with a gift of wisdom in my life, let’s call him Charles, to weigh in on it with me. To give me his time tested discernment and what he hears and sees.

In this case, he listened and watched the two videos above and then sent me a third video, by a Messianic Jew, which he said pretty much echoed his take on the two above and was amazing in its insight and clarity — in the tricky business of interrupting prophetic words and dreams.

So there, I’ve shared all three with you, for your watching, listening, and discerning pleasure. If you find yourself wondering, what in the world might be going on in the spiritual realm and spilling over into our earthly realm?

That friends, is something much more real and commonplace than any of us know. Read your Bible.

I could share how I answered my brothers who sent me the videos, before I heard from Charles, and I might do that later, but I’ll leave it as is for now.

A Word About Prophets

I guess the brothers who asked me know I’m very interested in prophets and prophecy, and I become more so each passing year. Others over the years have told me they thought I have that gift. Oddly on a backcountry flying trip to Idaho and the Western US last year, one of my least religious groups of friends gave me the nickname or call sign “Prophet” with no input from me. No one dares give input when these names are being awarded! Because it can go very poorly if you do, and these names stick.

Really I see myself more as a seer, and hearer, not a prophet, just a spiritually sensitive one trying to become more so by time in the Word and mediation and reading and journaling and solitude. Trying to abide in Christ, John 15:5. It’s “life in the Vineyard” as we have come to call it.

I would also add, that churchmen and theologians have tried to strain at a gnat and swallowed a camel when it comes to defining a prophet and identifying prophetic people. In it’s simplest form I believe a prophet is someone who hears from God and tells others what he heard. And there is also an element of being sent (by God to tell what he or she heard). As an example, Balam was gifted by God as a prophet and seer in Moses time, but he wasn’t sent to do what he set out to do; thus he became a false prophet.

I would also add the emphasis should be on the God of the message, then the message, and then the prophet or messenger. It’s not a perfect gift, but must be tested and fine tuned in the practitioner or else there would be no need for the New Testament injunction to let one prophesy and two or three prophets pass judgment on the word. It’s obvious in the stories of the Bible that dark spirits hail on the same spiritual frequencies as does the light. It’s a bit mystical isn’t it? And relational in the end? Who do you hear? And how well do you know their voice? One must always be aware that Satan can appear as an angel of light. This is not a system we made up, it’s a reality we learn, in practice, with the Bible as our guide, and the Holy Spirit our Companion.

Plague and Riots

What about this plague and these riots?

Initially I saw a country and people gripped by fear, acting out of that fear and hysteria way out of proportion to the facts known at the time. Being swayed by a news media that’s anything but objective, but rather driven by profit and greed, their own philosophical and political agenda, and so deceived they don’t even recognize they are such. Indeed, I think this was true, is true and will be true for some time into the future.

But now as time has passed and I’ve continued to read, mediate, listen and read the Bible, I have received a different view.

This pandemic is from the Lord I believe. It’s going to get worse before it gets better. It is by His grace and mercy that it’s no worse than it is. It is a “grace attack” of sorts. And invitation and impetus to wake up and live. It’s God showing disciple and non-Christian alike what we are without Him, and left to our own devices. The Creator is showing us what we really believe and who we really trust for our future and our day-to-day. Partly by stripping us of activity and idols.

The riddles surrounding this virus have been so hard to solve and are still somewhat, if not largely, unknown. How you get it? How it spreads? Who it effects not at all, and who finds it fatal? It’t origin? How to contain it? The list goes on and on. Its brilliance, if it is such, is how it’s stopped a world obsessed by speed, profit, and progress in her tracks, and encouraged her to spend time outside, with her families and friends, and take a sabbatical from sports, entertainment, and our normal idols, that we may not have regarded as such? Some eyes will be opened to this, and some will not. It seems to be his way — and ours. But I’m going to call it Grace, “Divine action on mortals for their benefit.”

And it’s not just this evidence, plus more I could point out. The Bible tells us “God is the same, yesterday, today, and forever.” Something and Someone stable we can cling to in chaos and storm — the only One dependable and worthy. And Solomon, the wisest man to have lived, said “There is nothing new under the sun.” “Everything that is has been, and will be again.” In other words, God has to interject Himself, His Grace, into human kind from time to time or we would implode, explode, erode, or otherwise destroy ourselves. It’s a story demonstrable from history, that deserves its own future blog. This appears to me to be the latest in that series of times — help from the Lord. Judgment mingled with mercy, and His ever abundant Grace.

Acts 17 comes to mind. Paul addresses the intellectuals of Athens and reacquaints them with their “Unknown God” The One they had lost track of or weren’t aware of any longer. Some saw and believed but most didn’t.

I read a summary of all this just yesterday morning, Psalm 106, a three thousand year old insight by David — poet, seer, prophet, King of Israel. Coming up in the next blog…

Israel-An Important Piece of the Puzzle

Shalom! Translated simply “peace” in English, it’s a much bigger word in Hebrew than that. It’s “greetings, hello, good bye, God’s favor, lack of conflict, God’s blessings, prosperity, health, ….” I think you get the idea.

Today continues the CUFI (Christians United for Israel) national, Washington D.C. conference in support of Israel. Like many events in our COVID stricken world, this year it’s being held on line. This may be a blessing, allowing for many people to have the opportunity to attend, who for time and resource reasons would not have had the opportunity.

I just wanted to make you aware of it. It appears you can watch some of the meetings free on YouTube, Face Book, etc. and the rest for a $25 registration fee. I attended this meeting in person a few years back and it was an inspiring, insightful, and enlightening experience. If you’re interested in Israel, world events, Bible prophecy, Biblical history, political science, etc. I think you will find it worthwhile and personally enriching.

I intend to do a series of blogs on Israel in the future, showing her uniqueness and importance on the world stage and in history. And why it’s important for individuals and nations to support, defend, and befriend her.

This is just a short blurb to make you aware of this opportunity to see this and learn for yourself.

Shalom שלום


I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you.
” Gen 12:3 NIV

“If the statistics are right, the Jews constitute but one percent of the human race. It suggests a nebulous dim puff of star dust lost in the blaze of the Milky Way. Properly the Jew ought hardly to be heard of, but he is heard of, has always been heard of. He is as prominent on the planet as any other people, and his commercial importance is extravagantly out of proportion to the smallness of his bulk. His contributions to the world’s list of great names in literature, science, art, music, finance, medicine, and abstruse learning are also away out of proportion to the weakness of his numbers. He has made a marvellous fight in the world, in all the ages; and has done it with his hands tied behind him. He could be vain of himself, and be excused for it. The Egyptian, the Babylonian, and the Persian rose, filled the planet with sound and splendor, then faded to dream-stuff and passed away; the Greek and the Roman followed, and made a vast noise, and they are gone; other peoples have sprung up and held their torch high for a time, but it burned out, and they sit in twilight now, or have vanished. The Jew saw them all, beat them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities of age, no weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling of his alert and aggressive mind. All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?”

Mark Twain

If I forget you, O Jerusalem,
let my right hand forget its skill!
Let my tongue stick to the roof of my mouth,
if I do not remember you,
if I do not set Jerusalem
above my highest joy!

Psalm 137:5-6 ESV

John the Apostle

I was up at 6 o’clock this morning reading first, second, and third John. That’s what our 2020 book club is the reading at the moment. After a second slow reading and meditation, my thoughts turned to John himself.

What a treasure to have this glimpse into the heart, mind, soul, and spirit of the last remaining apostle, “the elder”. The one who leaned on Jesus’ chest, who witnessed the crucifixion, the resurrection appearances, the ascension, and lived through the days of the early church and then some 60 to 65 years after that, seeing the church, the bride of Jesus Christ, flourish and develop, as well as, be attacked and deceived in some instances.
He also experienced the loss of his best friends and fellow apostles, Peter and Paul, executed by Rome some 30 years earlier. In fact all of his fellow apostles had been martyred. He himself had spent prison time at the hands of Rome. He alone remained of the original twelve disciples, now called apostles.

Yet his confidence in Christ and the Holy Spirit Who Jesus sent to the church to lead, indwell, protect, and help with life — both personal and corporate, is total!

This has him only summarizing the most important tenants of faith and action — a litmus test, if you will, that helps each person and the Bride of Christ to know if they are known by God, and walking in The Way.

He’s so casual yet solid about it, that it demonstrates his great faith, after all he’s seen, in Christ’s life and the Holy Spirit’s actions; that Jesus believers and church will do well and prosper by the power and intentions of God Himself — by His grace. His confidence flows with his strong, gentle words.

This prophet of prophets — who wrote the Gospel and the Apocalypse.
This apostle of apostles — who walked with Jesus three years as His closest friend.
This fisherman from Galilee — human to the core, one of the “sons of thunder” brothers.

Now aged, and seemingly more divine than human in his manner and his speech.
Living in Ephesus, and attending to the matters of the church in that area as led by the Holy Spirit.

Very loving. Very relational. Very calm and confident, while also being direct and kind in matters of church discipline. Calling a spade a spade, but trusting the Lord to handle the matter while casting light on the situation for the sheep to know who’s faithful and who isn’t. Who is walking in truth and light, and who is not. And ways to tell for themselves in the future, down to our very own generation. Thank you John, for a life well lived, and sharing what you heard and saw as a witness, faithful to your call. Selah (“stop and think about that”). Amen.


“That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched—this we proclaim concerning the Word of life.” IJohn1:1

If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.” I John 1:8-10 NIV

My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.” I John 2:1-2 NIV